Thursday, April 23, 2009

Time To Get This Thing On the Road!


I haven't blogged since selling my t-shirt company (Going Postal T-shirts) last summer, so it's time I got serious about my photographic endeavors once more and get it in gear.
Up front, I'll tell you this is about both the promotion of my photography and the promotion of my self. (They might be the same when it comes right down to it.) And that will be my one and only admission of this shameless fact, though it will no doubt appear obvious as we go along.

I've been a photographer for about forty years and have an immense collection of work, mostly in color transparencies (Kodachrome!) and B&W negatives but, alas, very little of it has been scanned yet. Consequently, most of what I'll be posting will be recent digital work. Does it matter?

Sometimes I'll get a hair up my posterior and put up a photo just because I like it, knowing full well I may be the only one in the known universe who does. When that happens feel free to let me have your unqualified judgment in no uncertain terms. It's ok - I'll be all right.

I may often pull work of my website (David Ryan Photography) because I want to bring attention to it, but it could also be because I've already done the work on it and don't feel like fooling with a newer one. So if you're familiar with the work on my site, don't be surprised when that happens!

So enough! I want to get down to pitchers!

The Boise Tea Party -

This series was the the latest opportunity I've had to get out and do something I really like to do: circulate in crowds and take random portraits. My first attempts at this were back in the '60's and '70's in Mexico City. Many of those were political protests as well and, I must say, somewhat more risky than mixing with these good folks.

Franklin has to be one of the most loveable of all the Founding Fathers and he was certainly one of the most outspoken of a very voluble lot, so it takes a certain gumption to act his role. This fellow wore his part rather well and did a good job of it I think .

Contrary to what many in the press would have one believe, these events were actually good places for the kids. I know that in Boise they were safer in these crowds than most other public places (including their schools)and they had a good time to boot. Looking through the throngs to get these types of shots was fun!

Another example of looking through the openings in the crowd. Invariably, this was the reaction I would receive - all smiles!

I couldn't help but like this guy!

For a more complete selection of Boise's Tea Party, just click HERE!

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